Human Design and Gene Keys — Line 6

Trishana Suman
8 min readOct 13, 2022


“Every 6th line being carries the magic of the future, it carries the magic of what’s possible for a human being, what’s possible for any human being if they’re fortunate enough in this life to come in contact with this knowledge and they get to experiment with it and see for themselves. ” — Ra

Now to the final line in the series — onto the top of the hexagram — the line 6.

I wanted to take my time before writing this one.

My thinking mind was like… “Well, it’s been x amount of time since the last one.. you should probably post the final one soon.. blah blah..”

But a deeper part of me was like… “Nope — you’ll feel it when it’s ready.”

And now — here I am, typing to describe the line which feels so close to home (as a 6/2 myself).

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Many of you probably have heard by now, that the line 6 represents the archetype of the Role Model.

*queue image of someone walking around w/fantastical poise and perfection*

Well, yeah — it’s actually not quite like that.

The Role model of the line 6, is a role model — of itself, for itself.

This is a key piece here — as the synergy of individuation and differentiation must come together to truly embody the potential of this line.

Do you know how many times I’ve found myself falling into the trap of being a role model for someone else (especially w/my open G center)?

And of course, the energies of this will vary depending on if you happen to have the 3 or the 2 in your profile.

But ultimately, from a singular line perspective, the 6th line represents a potential for transformation through transition — it is on top of the hexagram, looking onto the 1st line of the following hexagram on the I’ching wheel. In this way, by its nature, it is on a consistent quest for the next avenue, the next level of awareness, and the next vista in the spiral of change and evolution.

It has a natural mutative potential like the 3, but the line 6, because it is on the upper trigram (top half of the hexagram), it carries a transpersonal focus instead of personal one.

This brings out an array of abilities, gifts, and higher visions…

and of course, perhaps as with all good things, doesn’t come without its challenges.

There is a potential for a higher-scoped observation and awareness which is often way ahead of its time with this line. Many might not understand it, most probably think it’s kind of crazy, and some might even see it as a kind of pipe dream.

And perhaps yes, there is an aspect of truth in all of that — but not without a cause.

The 6th line is ahead of it’s time because it is here to influence a kind of change which will continue beyond it’s time.

This is why it’s so vital for the 6th lines to wake up to the reality of this, opposed to thinking that they ‘should do things like’, or ‘try to be like’, anyone else.

They are here to guide the directional unfolding of humanity - through their own embodiment of self.

This is also why it is so important that they wake up, period.

Wake up to their gifts, their talents, their own essence — as well as wake up to the awareness of how their shadows operate.

You know I couldn’t go into this without mentioning the shadows, right?

Because trust me, it can be lonely up there.

Especially when you think you can see a particular solution, or qualms in the behavior of others, or perhaps even see things that most may not be able to see themselves, etc.

*queue image of person throwing their hands up, fed-up, uttering:

“f*ck it! I’m done with this sh*t!”.


Jk, not jk.

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I recently heard Richard Rudd talking about this line shadow, and it really struck a chord.

He talked about how It holds the potential for the wound of separation.

From my perspective, this is the wound of sometimes not wanting to deal with all of the layers (lines) prior which comprise our ‘very real’ matrix/maya existence.

But all of it is a part of existence — right?

All of it is a part of what makes up our reality. The reality of the many necessary stepping stones on the pathway of change.

We can’t truly separate from it, lest we attempt to skip steps, or worse, to stay in isolation forever, and in turn, defeat the purpose, the gift, of the entire line frequency to begin with.

But there is (always) hope — the healing balm for this wound…is care.

It’s heart-warming, really.

Care for the full spectrum of reality.

Care for the wounds, and the corresponding egos, of others.

And ultimately, care for the wounds and the ego aspects of ourselves (all lines), as well.

The self-care, the compassion, the healthy boundaries, and the fruits of this awareness, also being that which sets a healthy example for others.

Sometimes it’s easier to go aloof, especially if you’re in the 2nd phase of the 6th line (age 30–50), on the roof. But the dance between being in your own sovereignty, and still caring, is the thing that the planet needs. That you need. That we all need.

And how to we do this?

As I recently heard mentioned in the Guides Programme…

which to me was simultaneously SO obvious and also so potently revealing due to my obliviousness of the obviosity…

‘…by including ourselves’.

Yes, what a thought.

By also including ourselves.

This one hit home, or moreso — hit the roof, and called for a dangling rope ladder.

I’ve often fallen into the isolating, spiritual bypassing, sometimes arrogant — “No it’s fine, I don’t need to be a part of this…’’ — for better, or for not so better.

But wow — the idea of actually including myself in the process, at times sounds and feels a bit like an embodied, living, paradox.

What do I mean by this?

With the role model archetype, there is a risk of not being understood — and also, a risk of being seen, and still not understood.

And yet, there is also a great potential within the risk, a potential to actually be understood (even if you’re ‘different’) — and in turn, through this embodiment of self, to be able to share the frequency of a true role model, not on the behalf of anyone else — but for their liberation into their own selves.

A couple of other shadows that feel important to mention regarding the 6 …

hypocrisy, pessimism, and arrogance.

Something I recently read by Ra really gave me a bit of a metaphorical reality check:

“A bad role model, is still a role model.”

Well, in hindsight, and in dedication to my rebel-without-a-cause-days…


and also, Ho’oponopono.

It often feels like quite a responsibility.

And at times — in the midst of self-reflection, I find myself inwardly uttering…

…goodness, but I am only human after all…

can I just be — imperfect? Is that okay?!”

(especially in this miraculous sh*t show of a reality we’ve been living in as of late).

…and yet, I suppose, I might also need to ask the same, or perhaps bestow the same, for the rest of humanity, too, right?

Quite the bittersweet paradox.


The last piece I’d like to mention, regarding the 6, is the importance of trust.

It is said that the line 6 knows what to trust, by remaining objective.

The way that I’ve experienced this — which was brought to me through reflection with another 6/2, is by the recognition of patterns.

In people, relationships, structures, etc.

When you’ve observed and experienced something enough, you can objectively start seeing (given that you stay objective), the patterns arising within it through viewing it from a higher-scoped perspective.

From here, you can determine whether something is trustworthy based off of what you deem to be trusted.

Which of course, is arbitrary — up to the 6 to determine for themselves.


So — my the questions for the 6 as of late has been:

How can you honor the sight of the other realm — while still staying present, with awareness, and care, to everything that is here now?

How do you serve, as a loving bridge between the worlds, so to speak?

And most importantly, how do you continue to include yourself in the process?

I’m still learning the answer(s) to that one, that’s for sure.

A divine work in progress…

aren’t we all. =]

It is indeed quite the responsibility, while us 6s strive to remember…

  • To check any hypocrisies within ourselves, with care.
  • To notice where we might not be embodying that which we are preaching to others.
  • And to transform the inner darkness of pessimism, into the light of optimism.

Definitely easier said than done.

But always, in all ways, an opportunity for deeper awareness and expansion — for ourselves, and for those who follow after.

Do you have any 6’s in your profile?

I’d love to hear your experiences on this line in the comments below.

If you’re interested in learning more about the lines — I recommend you check out the Gene Keys website at

If you’d like to stay connected — find me on IG, book a 1:1 reading, sign-up for my love letter, & find me on YouTube. 🙏🏽

Sending love — and the remembrance of your own truth & alignment.



Trishana Suman
Trishana Suman

Written by Trishana Suman

Empowerment Mentor & Wellness Writer. Inspired by self-awareness, the natural world, and healing. Integrating ancient wisdom into a modern world.

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