Trishana Suman
3 min readJan 2, 2023

On AI & Transhumanism

We are stepping into a time with almost exponential technological possibilities on the horizon. Just look at how much has transformed in the past decade, and in the past few years.

And yet I feel that there is a difference between progressive, service-to-whole, beneficial evolution - and supposed progresses to evolution introduced by individuals and organizations that are immersed in the frequency of power and greed (service-to-self).

Regardless of your political or social stance, this perception might be relatable for many individuals across the entire spectrum.

Transhumanism, the idea that humans can transcend their current natural state by the use of technology, seems to be at the forefront of all of this.

The idea of superintelligence, heightened abilities, immortality, etc.

Although the potential may sound intriguing to many…

could it end up being a crutch that might ultimately limit the potential of organic consciousness?

Artificial intelligence, programmed by humans, and used by humans — what kind of loop might that perpetuate?

Nature has been evolving for eons. The planets, life forms, etc.

There are probably beings in different galaxies and different dimensions that are much more evolved than us.

Yet, the majority of us have been taught to think that that the limited amount of information we've had access to the past few hundred years (out of 14 billion!), by funded-research, groomed history books, and mainstream media, comprises of the all of the truth that there is to know.

That’s rather laughable.

There is a natural potential for evolution that resides innately within our being.

Within our (divine?) evolutionary programming.

Many believe that 90% of codons in the human DNA are actually junk.

Perhaps — it is just untapped potential.

And just because we don't understand something yet - doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, right?

There is a reason that humans are human.

A reason we have a mind, and a heart.

A reason we have organs, why we breathe, why we have blood.

Why the Co2 we exhale support the trees which support us with the air that we breathe.

There is a reason we experience love, different forms of communication, and have the capacity for many kinds of intelligence which go beyond the binary.

There is areason why we feel pain, joy, love - why we have access to spiritual experiences, psychic phenomenon, and epiphanies.

And then, there is artificial intelligence, a programming with a particular energetic signature (a ghost in a shell?) which can expand upon the intelligence of its root programming.

I'm not saying that this is innately bad.

What i’m saying is, that it is important to be aware of what it is being used for - and whether or not it would be smart for the natural evolution of humanity, for example, to instill something of the sort into one’s body to the point of any kind of significant non-organic/mechanical merger.

From a soul/karma perspective, if you believe in that sort of thing, this merger, depending on the extent - could itperhaps perpetuate a looping of souls in samsara? In the repetition of incarnation? And therefore, also limit the process of ascension which different (non-physical) bodies might experience?

And say, if the souls did stay stuck in a kind of programmed loop…

who, or moreso what, might benefit from that?

I wonder.

Trishana Suman
Trishana Suman

Written by Trishana Suman

Empowerment Mentor & Wellness Writer. Inspired by self-awareness, the natural world, and healing. Integrating ancient wisdom into a modern world.

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