Sacred Sexuality — Intimacy with the Source Within

Trishana Suman
3 min readOct 2, 2020
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

I want to go a little deeper into the idea of Sex as being Sacred.

I think as a collective, we've been taught to experience sex as solely physical and (sometimes) emotional.

This to me, exhibits a lack of understanding of what sexual energy is, and of consciousness: there is disbelief in, or a lack of understanding of the divine nature of oneself, the universe, humanity, and all life.

I've spoken before about sexual energy as creative energy, energy as movement of impulse/motion directed in the body. If you can conceptualize the arousal, stimulation and the energy potential one experiences from sexual acts, as an almost tangible form of consciousness, you can see that how the consciousness moves, and where the movement of it is directed, does matter.

If we can recognise, through the simplest tool, our breath, that we have some control of how the life force moves within the body, we can accept that there is an energy there which can catalyze a shift in our awareness, create visceral sensations, and sometimes even psychedelic experiences (anyone who has done any sort of yoga/breathwork has probably experienced this).

Breath > to Inspire > Spirare > Spirit.

Through our breath we are connecting to spirit. Spirit lives through us through our breath. What happens when we stop breathing? What happens when we stop the flow of oxygen to our organs? What happens to the life force when breath ceases?

Breath connects us to the way in which the life force, consciousness, and energy, moves throughout our body.

Although that points to the physical component of how energy moves, and how we experience it within our bodymind, there is also something deeper and higher happening here.

These high-state experiences, and the ability to integrate and evolve through these experiences comes from our conscious awareness of, and connection to, Source (God, Spirit, etc).

This isn't something I can fully articulate or even convince through language, it's up to each individual to discover that knowing within themselves. It's trying to describe the infinite through something finite; you can see the words but you must also read between the lines. This knowing generally arises through a whole-being experience, not just the mind - and it creates a re-accessible awareness, if and when one chooses to REMEMBER it's presense.

We cannot see sex as sacred (or anything else for that matter), until we have experienced the sacredness within ourselves.

How can you experience a soul connection if you don't even believe you have a soul?

How can you travel to the cosmos if you think consciousness is confined to the physical form?

When our sexual experiences are filtered through the lens of separateness/ego, then 1+1=2, and anything which may be exchanged is engaging in a swapping, or taking, between the two (1) (1).

It's is through the awareness of the sacredness within oneself, can we come together in union with another to create a trinity, a third. It is once we have discovered the sacred within, that 1+1=3.

Instead of sex fueled by ego and individuality (lower chakras), both recognise their connection to divinity, ego death comes naturally, bodies melt, and then comes the merging of souls into Union. This is true union; nothing is separate. One. The infinite. The Godhead. The Alpha & the Omega.

This is the power, the potential of sex. Considering what we are doing with it now, within ourselves, within the collective, we still have much to learn, so much more maturing to do.

It all starts within, little steps, moments of awareness, ego-checking, practices like yoga, qi gong, and utilizing the breath to reconnect to your body, BEING PRESENT, relating authentically, speaking your truth from the heart, and cultivating your own connection to Source.

Each day that goes by, the awareness of this becomes stronger. I've also had my fair share of seeking sex from a place of ego, even within a committed partnership; seeking to fill a hole (both literally and figuratively 😂) in order to experience a sense of completeness, looking to another as a connection to Source, when in reality, what I was ultimately seeking, is the Source within.

But how can you find within someone else, that which you've lost within yourself?

How can you experience a frequency without being tuned in?

Would you even recognise its resonance?

Game recognize game.

God recognize God.



Trishana Suman

Empowerment Mentor & Wellness Writer. Inspired by self-awareness, the natural world, and healing. Integrating ancient wisdom into a modern world.